Forced landing competition 11th July 1948 at Rearsby

On 11th July 1948 as part of the Auster Flying Club 1948 Air Rally at Rearsby item 6 on the programme was a forced landing competition. The rules of which were stated in the programme to be as follows:

(6) FORCED LANDING COMPETITION: Competitors will close throttles at 2,000 ft. above the aerodrome, do figure-of-eight turns to 500 ft. and approach a 8 ft.tape in straight glide (side slipping is permitted). The landing closest to a white cross will be judged the winning forced landing. In the event of a tie,the pilot with the least number of flying hours in his log book will be judged the winner.

Sqn/Ldr. J.Stubbs one of the contestants in the forced landing had the misfortune to finish his approach with an actual forced landing which resulted in the Auster J1 Autocrat G-AGWY as seen in the adjoining photograph being removed to the repair shop on the back of a lorry